Barker Martin

Condo-HOA Blog - Litigation

Don't Avoid Issues, Investigate Them and Consider Options

People often focus on the negative ramifications associated with litigation. It can be costly, time consuming and often not the most efficient method of resolving disputes. Associations will sometime actively avoid dealing with an issue because it might result in litigation and often fail to consider the ramifications of not pursuing, or at least considering, litigation. For example, associations will sometimes avoid investigating the extent of a problem because they fear what they might find. An association may become aware of water intrusion and avoid investigating the extent of their problem, fearing it might lead to extensive repairs, insurance claims and perhaps litigation. Avoiding the issue will never make it go away. Associations do not avoid issues by ignoring them. The issues and resulting damage compound while the options for relief become more limited. Eventually, a potential insurance claim or litigation is barred by applicable statutes of limitation and repose. Increased damages and no ability to pursue relief is not a good combination. read more

Documentation and Litigation

Clients sometime ask: "Will we get sued if we do this?" Beware of the attorney who answers this with "Yes" or "No". No attorney can know if or when a client will be sued. People sometimes sue when they shouldn't. The key is putting your association in a position to defend any claim, frivolous or otherwise. Having the proper documentation really helps a defense and can greatly reduce the time and expense involved. read more


Association boards deal with a variety of unit owner behaviors and personalities. Some are positive, some are negative, and some are downright inexplicable. This can lead to both real and perceived bias. read more

New FHA Rules to Create New Association Duties

On September 13, HUD released new rules for the Fair Housing Act (FHA) that will impact community associations. Under these new rules, which take effect on October 14, 2016, a community association could face liability for the discriminatory acts of residents who harass or create a hostile environment for other residents. read more

The Price is Wrong

As a kid, whenever I was home sick I'd be faced with the inevitable problem faced by thousands in my situation: what to watch on daytime television. As soap operas were not my speed, I'd almost always settle on game shows. My favorite, like many, was the Price is Right. Some days I'd be lucky enough to catch my favorite part of the show; the $1 bid. When the other contestants grossly overestimated the value of the showcase, the entire audience (and one sickly kid watching from home) would be yelling for the contestant to bid $1. A victory for that contestant felt like a victory for all of us. read more

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