Barker Martin

Condo-HOA Blog - Condo Attorney


Association boards deal with a variety of unit owner behaviors and personalities. Some are positive, some are negative, and some are downright inexplicable. This can lead to both real and perceived bias. read more

New FHA Rules to Create New Association Duties

On September 13, HUD released new rules for the Fair Housing Act (FHA) that will impact community associations. Under these new rules, which take effect on October 14, 2016, a community association could face liability for the discriminatory acts of residents who harass or create a hostile environment for other residents. read more

The Price is Wrong

As a kid, whenever I was home sick I'd be faced with the inevitable problem faced by thousands in my situation: what to watch on daytime television. As soap operas were not my speed, I'd almost always settle on game shows. My favorite, like many, was the Price is Right. Some days I'd be lucky enough to catch my favorite part of the show; the $1 bid. When the other contestants grossly overestimated the value of the showcase, the entire audience (and one sickly kid watching from home) would be yelling for the contestant to bid $1. A victory for that contestant felt like a victory for all of us. read more

Like Water For Conflict

Having tried over 60 trials to verdict, litigated at least a couple hundred more and counseled clients on perhaps five hundred disputes over the past 20 plus years, it took me until the last few years to understand a very important concept involving legal disputes: The best route to resolution—like water—is the path of least resistance. read more

Informed Decisions

Over the years, Barker Martin has represented many community associations in claims for construction defects and insurance claims. We're proud of our track record in representing homeowners, condo and homeowner associations. The financial impact and hardship that results when a community association faces repairs due to construction defects or significant damage and deterioration is a serious problem for both new and older communities. Repairs are expensive, in some cases expensive enough to result in unpaid assessments and foreclosure. For some owners, the outcome of a construction defect or insurance claims dictates whether or not they can stay in their home. We take that seriously. read more

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