Condo-HOA Blog - Horizontal Property Regimes Act
Deciphering Association Records Requests
This past weekend I spoke at the Community Association Institute's ("CAI") South Sound Law Day on the topic of association records. Based on the number of questions from the audience on owner requests to obtain or review records, I thought I'd summarize some highlights here. read more
Court Says Unanimity Required for Old Act Condos to Convert Common Areas
Posted on January 07, 2008 by Marlyn Hawkins
In a recent decision, Lake v. Woodcreek Homeowners Association, Division I of the Washington Court of Appeals held that a homeowner adding a bonus room onto his unit actually converted common area to part of his unit under the theory that the air space around his unit was common area because common areas were defined as anything "not expressly described as part of the individual residence apartments or as limited common area." read more
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