Barker Martin

Condo-HOA Blog

Maximizing the Value of Legal Counsel

As many of you know, attorneys usually charge their clients based on the amount of time spent on the client’s matter. Occasionally, we hear from Associations that they are reluctant to call their attorneys for legal advice because they are concerned about the cost. That reluctance can be costly in the long run; sometimes a quick conference with your attorney results in invaluable advice that saves your Association from making an expensive mistake.

The good news is that there are simple ways your association can get the legal advice it needs without breaking its budget. Here are some tips for maximizing the value your attorneys can provide:

  1. Designate one board member as your legal contact. If everyone on the board calls or emails the attorney, the attorney’s time, and your bill, will multiply. Instead, one person should be the designated contact and all attorney communications should be routed through that person.
  2. Write your questions down and gather all background information and documents before contacting your attorney. Your attorney will be able to provide better and more cost effective advice if they have all the facts from the outset, and you do not want to pay for an attorney’s time to investigate facts that you could provide for free.
  3. Save up your questions. If you have a non-urgent legal question, wait to contact the attorney until you have multiple matters to discuss. One consolidated meeting is likely to cost less than five separate meetings.
  4. Be proactive. If there are sections of your governing documents that you have difficulty interpreting or find problematic, ask your attorney for advice BEFORE a problem arises. Legal expenses to avoid problems are often less than legal expenses to work through an ongoing disagreement or dispute. 5. Ask your attorney for a budget and for suggestions on ways to save on legal expenses. Your attorney may not be able to give you an exact figure, but most attorneys can give you a range so you know what to expect. Most attorneys will also welcome the opportunity to discuss tasks that you can perform yourself to save on attorney fees.